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07 Mar, 2022 School

An Inter-School Debate Championship was held to celebrate the International Women’s Day with the theme – “Breaking the Barriers – unexpected voices” at the University of Ghana, Legon.
It was a maiden, British Parliamentary Style Debate.
The Academic Coordinator, Mrs. Mary Jacobs together with Sir Michael led the Team.
DPSI girls entered finals as Team A was placed 1st and Team B 2nd in both the first two rounds.
Final Round Results are as follows:

Runners–up: Team A
1. Esi Nyankwaoye Onome Peters
2. Suad Wun-nam Ahmed

5th Best Debaters: Team B
1. Danielle Dzifa Adzanku
2. Sibongile G. O Henaku

Public Speaking Competition
Dorinda Enam Adjo Ahlijah – 2nd Position

CONGRATULATIONS to all these amazing girls!!